HSSC Labour Inspector Admit card Download Roll No.
Haryana Staff Selection Commission will be organizing a written examination for Labour Inspector posts in Labour Department, Haryana under advt 5/2016 cat. no. 12. The test is scheduled to be held on 31.08.2017 and its admit cards has been released on 27 August 2017.
Name of the post Labour Inspector, Labour Department, Haryana (Advt №5/2016 cat. no. 2) Exam date 31 August 2017 (04:00 pm to 05:30 pm) Reporting time 02:30 pm. Admit card release date 24 August 2017 Selection criteria 225 marks (written exam=200 marks + Viva Voce = 25 marks) Exam Center Panchkula.
Haryana Labour Inspector Admit card release date
HSSC will be making the admit card of Labour Inspector posts exam available on its site from 24 July 2017. Candidates should be logging in to the site at link below to download HSSC admit card.
The Labour Inspector written examination will be having 100 multiple choice questions carrying 200 marks. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes. Check full details of the examination on the notice at above image.
The admit cards can be downloadable from 24 July 2017. To download the admit cards, candidates should use their Login ID and Password.
Official website: hssc.gov.in